Tag Archives: fightclub

If You Can’t Beat ’em, Join ’em… Literally.

We all say it: Ahhh… my New Year’s resolution is to get a six-pack, get in shape, or even just to lose a few pounds. Well, my New Year’s resolution was similar, but I will tell you verbatim what I said when I was asked by my trainers what my goals were. With a smirk on my face I said, “My New Years resolution is to be a professional fighter.” And, after I was laughed out of the room I continued on with my day not knowing what I had just signed up for.

Yes, I recently joined Fight Club Miami and it’s one of the coolest gyms in this city. I signed up for two separate programs, one with my main man Steven who is my weight trainer, and the other with ‘Supreme Salim’ who is my boxing trainer. Over the past few weeks Steven has taught me the true meaning of soreness, and Salim may or may not have knocked me out a few times during our sessions.

So, why’d I sign up? I have no idea what I’m going to encounter on this adventure, but I do know being in better shape won’t hurt.