Travel Hacking 101

trav•el hack 

verb \ˈtra-vəl\ hak\ : A way of traveling by attaining flights, hotels, and other amenities at little or no cost by using rewards, shortcuts, tricks, travel points, or any gimmick to avoid cost.

Hackathons, hacking seminars, hacking classes in schools, hacker organizations (aka Anonymous) — It seems that hacking has become the ‘cool’ thing to do. Whether for good or for bad, hacking in general is all over the news all of the time. So, if that’s the case why has travel hacking never gotten much attention?

I am a huge noob when it comes to this subject, but as I am somewhat of a techie-wannabe, the term ‘travel hacking’ grabbed my attention. I dove into the research, and found it all to be a very cool concept… Through an almost scientific use of pre-existing rewards programs one could attain more benefits than know what to do with.

So, yes, I have enrolled myself in Travel Hacking 101, and my first semester is fast approaching. I’ve taken a few steps of my own by getting a couple of new travel credit cards, signing up for countless rewards networks, and subscribing to some pretty great travel hacking resources.

I’ll be sure to keep everyone updated on what works and what doesn’t as I go along!!