Category Archives: Videos


noun ˈepiˌsōd : an event or a group of events occurring as part of a larger sequence; an incident or period considered in isolation

Video: Flying High On The Great Wall

We did the Great Wall like no one has ever done before — check out the video, and let me know what you think. Onwards and Upwards!

Emperors of the Forbidden City

The Forbidden City is one of the biggest hotspots of Beijing sightseeing, and we were lucky enough to visit it during a Chinese holiday, a.k.a the busiest Forbidden City day of the year with over 60,000 people walking through the gates.  The city was built around 600 years ago, and was used to house the ancient emperors of Chinese history, as well as their millions of concubines.  Not only do you get to see where the emperors lived, but you get to BE an emperor as well!  At one point during the tour, you get to be dressed up as ancient Chinese emperors and concubines, and, for some reason, I was dressed up as the lowly man-servant.  I was the only man-servant in all of the forbidden city with my little rat-tail hat, and I was left alone while the rest of the crew had everyone in China taking pictures with them.

Video: Mt. Fuji, the Misty Mountain

(Disclaimer – We did not actually get to see this view of Mt. Fuji)

When traveling to Tokyo, a trip to the famous Mt. Fuji may be at the top of your “Things to Do” list, as it’s one of Japan’s most famous landmarks.  So, book a tour!  It may be worth it, however, you may end up with what we got…


The entire area was covered in mist, making it impossible to see Mt. Fuji and leaving us with this painting that the whole tour group took turns taking pictures in front of.  Mind you, we’re up in mountainous areas, so the weather is bound to be rough every now and then.  So we never got to see the ACTUAL Mt. Fuji, but we did manage to make the best of the excursion.  Here’s a video we made of our travels through Fuji and the surrounding mountains (and a magical lake with pirate ships??), enjoy!