Tag Archives: future

The Next Adventure

Ok … Asia is done… for now. So, what’s next?

That is the ten million dollar question, and is the exact question I have been trying to answer for over 3 years since my accident. I knew that I didn’t want to do the same thing I had done before, I knew what I didn’t want to do, but what did I want to do?

I have caught myself in this same predicament many times since my accident. The second chance at life has created an interestingly unique perspective on my decisions and on my overall direction in life. Like everyone else, I start things, I work on them, and I finish them … sometimes.

Now … I am not one to shy away from hard work, but usually it happens more like this: I start things, work on them to a point where I realize that I wouldn’t be happy with doing it for the rest of my life, and then proceed to come up with the next big thing while leaving the previous item drift off by the wayside.

I have been told that I have a heightened level of introspection, but let me ask you a question, is that a good thing?  Is knowing what you don’t want to do and what won’t make you happy a good thing at all? Or, does that just lead you into a trap of searching for something that you may never find? Is this another reason why ignorance should be considered bliss?

The current goal is similar to the last one. It is an adventure. I have embarked on a temporary  “relocation” package, if you will. I am currently residing in the beautiful country of Portugal where I will be for a few months while studying for the GMAT and working towards that ‘next big thing’. What will be the answer? Only one way to find out.